MAD Marathon & Half Marathon Discount - Waitsfield, Vermont50 States Half Marathon ClubMar 11, 2016VERMONT - JULY 10th, 2016: New $10.00 discount to the MAD Marathon & Half Marathon for our Fifty States Half Marathon club members. Looks like a beautiful run, but definitely NOT flat! ;) Two big climbs and some rollers! Mad Marathon & Half MarathonMad Marathon & Half MarathonMad Marathon & Half MarathonMad Marathon & Half MarathonMad Marathon & Half Marathon #MadMarathon #MADhalfmarathon #Madmarathondiscount #MADhalfmarathondiscount #Vermonthalfmarathons #Vermonthalfmarathondiscounts #Vermont2016halfmarathondiscounts #Julyhalfmarathondiscounts #July2016halfmarathondiscounts
VERMONT - JULY 10th, 2016: New $10.00 discount to the MAD Marathon & Half Marathon for our Fifty States Half Marathon club members. Looks like a beautiful run, but definitely NOT flat! ;) Two big climbs and some rollers! Mad Marathon & Half MarathonMad Marathon & Half MarathonMad Marathon & Half MarathonMad Marathon & Half MarathonMad Marathon & Half Marathon #MadMarathon #MADhalfmarathon #Madmarathondiscount #MADhalfmarathondiscount #Vermonthalfmarathons #Vermonthalfmarathondiscounts #Vermont2016halfmarathondiscounts #Julyhalfmarathondiscounts #July2016halfmarathondiscounts